The Firm is experienced in handling estates valued in the millions of dollars.
Right after a person passes, the original Will must be found and steps taken to protect and preserve estate assets. The beneficiaries of the Will must be notified and an application made to the Surrogate’s Court to accept the Will as valid (the process is known as “probate”) and appoint the person named in the Will as executor by issuing “Letters Testamentary” or “Letters of Administration” for a person named as an Administrator. We would defend any challenge to the validity of the will or appointment of the Executor.
Once the Will is probated and Letters are issued by the Surrogate’s Court, the lengthy process of gathering asset assets begins, typically selling stocks, personal property and real estate holdings, and settling any estate debts.
The Firm will provide guidance to protect and preserve assets from the time of death and then actively participate in helping the Executor/Administrator do what is necessary up to final estate accounting. The Firm will: help with marshaling and selling assets and payment of estate debts; deal with the Surrogate’s Court where necessary and the New York State Attorney General where any charity is a named beneficiary; communicate with beneficiaries and their attorneys and organizations that hold estate assets; and assist with beneficiary distributions and the final accounting of assets and liabilities. And we will make any necessary applications to the Surrogate’s Court to protect assets or minimize liabilities and approve lawsuit settlements.